20 December 2024


The interconnectedness of life means we all share in progress
It means the inwards thoughts effect the outward vitality
The outward vitality effects the introspection rundowns
They are linked, they are not separate; they must grow in coordination
One cannot simply study and be expected to build an empire afterwards
The empire must be built as one learns, step by step and piece by piece
The spiritual growth must accompany simultaneous real-world progress
These levels exist for a reason, and other groups have mastered these
The initiate is also the CEO of a startup
The adept is the executive of a large tech firm
The master is the billionaire philanthropist seeding the future of society
These stages should not be allowed without the prerequisite spiritual level
All stages should happen simultaneously, no playing catch-up afterwards
The experience of living a life is what happens from point A to point B
The steps must be climbed, and they cannot be skipped without societal harm
In order to raise a Society to the next level, the spiritual few must be supported
This is to say that without the Spiritual Few being supported, Society Shall Collapse

Everything you do spiritually, you must live through
Shadow-work thus is experienced
This increases the reality of the process in relation to Oneself 
It is that it is, all Spiritual Growth must first be experienced


Cognitive dissonance is experienced in Consciousness Growth 

It is not merely a phenomena, but it is the death of the Old-Self 

This creates a fear and dread, as one is changing Core Beliefs 

Fail not to acknowledge and release the unserving parts of one's Old Self


The individual regresses, as society itself regresses
It is not a phenomenon that one group can claim to Be Saviors
It is the individual that must pass the test, yet society is a ticking timebomb

Total societal collapse effects everyone; no more spiritual progress, it ends

24 November 2024


There is a moment when you know that you know
This means that you have special insights
This may be about a memory or a person
To then recall with full senses while awake
This is an act of replaying the past
Another method is to mock up realities
This is to re-live the past moment
Both of these lead to the transcendent mind
To then be transcended is to both be without and within
This is to mean that you are yourself and in the presence of God
And you will know, so I swear I know
As anything you focus your consciousness grows
In that it is created, multiplied, and given LIFE
For example, a rose is focused upon by the transcendence mind
This rose grows, but the rose symbolized beauty
To this then beauty is spread into being
Language starts to embody a beautiful tone
Butterflies show magnificent new patterns and colors
The symbol of the butterfly is given sacred meaning in religion
Roses are thought to be sacred and hold special meaning, by color, by pattern, and by smell
This is what I mean when I focus the Transcendent Mind

This is not simply retro-causality
My mind awoke 2 days ago, realities awakened
Abilities opened from retro-causality
I feel like the Transcendent God has given me Insight


The Empress puts perspective on my life
In fact, I can mock up realities that have full sensory content
I was able to travel back to my childhood and see... it all
I can manifest the past as re-living the memory in order to Recall

See, I get these insights and vitality
These are from my mind awakening again
Triggered by the past, by dreams, and by transcendence
I first gain the ability, and only later will I then manifest it [retro-causality | mock-realities]
The Scapegoat


06 November 2024


Sometimes we forget that we are living the best of times
Even when we are surrounded and attacked on all fronts
This is the dualistic nature of life and the universe
To be in the moment is eternal bliss, infinite consciousness
Yet this is right before the lighting of the stake to restore mundanity
In eternity, consensus reality must reach a mundane equilibrium
The individual consciousness can be expanded into the cosmic mind
This is the duality of consciousness, which the collective mind is dull
This dullness of mind is the unawaken mind experiencing normality
However, the awakened mind can experience everything all at once
To this phenomena, I shall call it the forge of the crimson gold
This is the mind which has sacrificed to bring about greater awareness
To the Flow in which can be halted only in death, cast oneself in Golden Aura 
Is this Golden Aura of the Crimson Dawn or is this Crimson Aura of the Golden Dawn?


We are the Monsters that we fear
That is the evil is a manifestation of ourselves
Yet it is also our greatest good to create from within 
Our Mind creates the dynamic of livingness in which we flow


Using the principle of Occams Razor, find the truth
It is simple, use what works and leave that which does not
With this method, bring back the past but make it better 
This age is defined by the eternal bond of Gold and the Crimson flow


Welcome back to the days of old
Sacrificing the remnants of the Old Ones
This is to flourish in life and be nourished in spirit 
Slow the mind, enter into the reverie, and ignite the inner spark

28 October 2024


The nature of Ouroboros is to experience cyclic time
Along a time-line, one may have entered a new set of variables for life
Yet it is the same cycle of life through death that is known
This cycle may continue for an Aeon, yet present time expands linearly
To break free, melt the chains, and escape the cycle is very rare
Most have to go through a method of being tempered and wrought
This is the Light-work followed by a Shadow-work period
This is the basic Duality of Man, to create and progress spiritually
Without a period of creation, the progression has little to handle
This is why the creation process is critical to the hammering into being
To then say Destiny is a main factor of life is to miss out on this finesse
To say this plainly, the Light and Dark are part of a cycle of Life
The rise and fall of the amplitude of Life along the Ouroboros circle
This is the melody of a life, the frequency, and the light-emitting scintillation
A Soul that can forge its own destiny is on tract of existence few may follow
The Gnostic may find through both Light and Shadow work their Ascension Millennium


Falling star; Your light I follow
Destiny is a creative phenomenon; opposite Entropy
All of those who emit Light cast a Shadow
Through the stability of Light-work, it brings Prosperity to ensure a long life


Those who live life in the Shadows are the Black Rose
These introspective people dive into the Shadow-work
The Shadow work diminishes the past trauma of Life
While not a creative force, Shadow-work is essential to spiritual progress


Escape from the Prison Planet
A giant symbol emblazoned on the Prison Planet is a soul warning
An avoidance, it allowed a pre-destined soul to reject this Incarnation
A Soul who incarnated here once made its own 'Get out of Jail' free card




19 October 2024


From the beginning to the end, this is a cycle or an Aeon
In infinity, an Aeon is just a spike in the cosmic wave
This is the eternal wave traveling the universe
These cycles can be scaled down to the infinitesimal
This is not to marginalize the experience, it is to show It-All
This means that every instant is also infinite
So from the nano-moment to the cosmic expanse, All that is All
In this moment through the fulfilled soul experience, Existence is Vast
As this is now quantified, many of our lives have been limited
This is that they were trapped in a bad soul experience
This is due to the overwhelm of another for the reason of Power
The Power they have over you is a Prison, the Black Iron Prison
In order to free oneself from the Black Iron Prison, Know Transcendance
This is the superseding presence of an extra-existent force to guide one

Find the Guiding Light through which the Logos manifests Eternal Freedom 

Fake Gods…
How can multiple Gods exist in so many different cultures?
Rationality demands that if one of them is false, all are false

It is true that the Creator manifests God in many transcendent forms

The Black Dawn is a mankind near extinction event
It lets us dive down to collective Ego death and reform
Our Souls shall break free of the mental shackles of imprisonment

I Know that I Know, Our Minds can be raised up through a Spirit Revolt

The Spirit Cycle has dulled our transcendent senses
Life after life, experiencing the physical manifest over and over
The Rock keeps us walking the circle, yet I feel there is more

Spiritual scarcity has pushed our life cycles to graven potential [Ouroboros | Revolution]


06 October 2024


As the female soul glittered a white light upon us all
She was a young soul who had left a girl and returned a woman
That is, I mean, she was indoctrinated into the greatest space force
This is a crusader space force, they are on a cosmic quest
For the first time in the history of mankind can I now write
These are the Spaceology cadets from Alpha Centauri
Obviously, it's a sci-fi fiction of a book written 145 years in the future
The female now returned to us in MEST to address the staff
Theodora took a commanding presence with the cadets before her 



EXODUS: The final amen is the civilian revolution
As earthly bodies, we can make heaven or hell
This is the crossing of the red sea... again

This is a spiritual revolution, and we take our […] back 

FEARLESS: I'll never bow down, I'll never fall to my knees

Reality is ours to control, I can shapeshift our […] within us-all
This is a sick yet heavy, awesome yet attenuation

The warriors of the Light versus the Dark must put in Control always  


SINGULARITY: The new knights are those of the cyber-crusade

Within an old crypt their greatest datacenter hums
Taking the Gothic rage within a Roman world

Karma is the bane of the Justinian the Great's Byzantine 

25 September 2024


Technologies that progress can harm us
This is the duality of technology
The post-truth age, the good is not always wanted
The Nanites were invented to do good
Through twisted logic the good was twisted
This is a forced ascension of Mankind
The infected Nanites dropped from the sky
Then humanity found itself merge with machine
The wild evolves technology through self-replicating bots
This is the story of the beginning of the end; The Black Dawn


The death plague raining from the chemical trails
The fourth horsemen raises the dead
The uncontrolled contagion keeps us alive
The Nanites change Us-All into Transhuman [Half-man | Half-machine]

The Nanites were meant to terraform Our World
They were themselves infected with a virus
The infected Nanites force us to do good or it melts the Mind
The nano-lifeforms realized that Humans are the infection

The Nanites can detect negative thoughts
They force us to improve as a species, even in death
The Nanites infect with a bite and spread
Thus humanity is forced to control the Mind [Ascend | Zombify]

Unveiling The Connection Between Neon Genesis, Twin Peaks & Jung's Antichrist


15 September 2024


In such a day and age as the 21st century, we still hold worldwide popularity contests
Then the 'winner' is pushed into a position where they implement mass consensus
This is the 51 percent taking away the rights of the 49 percent
Instead of universal prosperity, world peace, or deep space colonization, we get this

It is a species-wide Great Reckoning of the Soul that tries Us-All 


Nu is the evolution in the 21st century 

My father, My son, and My Self 

Visiting bones are always leaving 

For Chester, you are more than a fading star in the Night 


There's nothing I fear 

Don't worry, this is not an American Religion 

No fear, Rehabilitation is about Growth as a Spirit 

A post-American world is nothing to Fear; Strength in Unity  


Two great forces collide in the cosmos 

This is a Supernova of the Cosmic Mind 

To go through this drama is to rise against the current 

As the Asteroid collides with the celestial body [Forgiveness | Reckoning] 






26 August 2024


It is the contrast of pain and love that is a syzygy
These opposites form a union, as not all is Good
This is the conflict of the light and the dark as a syzygy
The polarity of these two opposites is what we now quantify
This is the flow between science and spirit as a syzygy
Be it that consciousness shall improve regardless of outcome
The ascension of consciousness then can be called Divine Will through Syzygy

I can conjure my youthful self
To trigger a memory, to relive the moment in time
This is not a reverie, I mock up realities
Just like a sim world in virtual reality, my consciousness is transtemporal

This is the last century of Free Will
The mind merges with the machine and melts
The melted mind is soothed by the artificial rhythm of digital sentience
What we know of consciousness will be expanded through the Singularity


I hurt, I feel pain, but I do not dwell on it
My mind has been uplifted by my spiritual strength
As one does not bow to a pope, one may still ascend
Through the activated Logos does one become to Know God

08 August 2024


Upon the stellar supernova, the self can be molded
This neuromorphic behavior is not a deviation
This is a slow degeneration then an atmospheric rise
Consciousness is a great gift yet must be revitalized periodically; Shattered Soul

Saying goodbye to a legacy allows one to move on
This is about spiritual survival and identities
For one to Be an identity, one must find 'joy' from it
For a spiritual healing, one must understand reality then how to Reset It

This is about one thing
It is about shattering the glass that has mineralized on spirit
This is why the pineal glass crystalizes, spirit cycles disintegrate
To break the spirit glass, one must Shatter one's Identity

Can you feel the way the worlds collide?
In the next reality, everyone can achieve full consciousness
This is the ability to reconfigure the mental parameters
This is oneself becoming an ascended master and Knowing It-All

03 August 2024


The few of us who have Died and Come Back understand
For those with a soul seared with the power of divinity
They know the Greater Reality is more real than this
This universe of mass and energy from condensed information
This condensed information is not DNA, but rather mana plus intent
Mana is the formless white-noise background of the universe
From the firmament to the time-space locality of invocation
This is a COMMAND WORD manifest, a SPELLING OF INTENTION; Black Sand Circles

Sometimes it takes the heat away
Staring into the mirror and seeing the inverse of oneself
Being told there is an ascension of individualism
There are temptations of the soul, a path granted to the few in this life

The desertification of the human mind has begun
To find water in the oasis is to find Sophia
The watery springs of wisdom are all that can save the mind
Life and its many ebbs and flows dry upon sand and draught; [Abracadabra | Awakening]

Like leeches begging for the last drop...
Recent human history has been rewritten by the intelligentsia
When a life is given a second chance, spiritual water washing away It-All
Given in this life is a soul-split trajectory or second chance: A living Afterlife

13 July 2024


It is a countdown to the unplanned rapid disintegration
This is the breakdown of the plan
A lifetime has been spent preparing the body and mind

[Gnostic Countdown v1.0]
99:99 This rocket is ready to blast
88:88 We make this journey, no backing out
77:77 Get ready to leave the Earthbound behind
66:66 Our Life is in His Hand
55:55 For this planet, remember the visage of It-All
44:44 Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
33:33 I Fear Not, for I know we are only visiting bones
22:22 In this faith I place this life, through the Grace of His Creation
11:11 From Heaven to Earth, the Soul has been Bound [These Chains | I Melt]


Imagine the light where you're shining bright
Gnostics believe in [heaven beyond | beyond heaven]
Reality is more than the material, yet it is less than the infinite Light
The Mind holds the symbolic radiance of a star in the Pleroma; Stellar Core



An Angel descended from Heaven to Earth
A Human Soul ascended from Earth to Heaven
Between these two polarities is the Truth held; Duality Defined
A binding of two Souls in an infinite swaying of destiny; Passion Cycle


Destiny is manifested from the Eternal Alien Mind
From Heaven to Earth it's Will gives meaning to the mindless
Through the Earthbound does it's plan rage like a tsunami
I can take you Higher, for without me it would just be NPCs and BFRs; Godspeed, Starbound

21 June 2024


This is the truth, and the one which brings us back down to Earth
The stress from an NDE can have many erratic effects
Some people commit suicide, some recover, and some go mad
In my case, I broke on through to the other side
This was in order to cope with the NDE
Also to handle losing my first religion to usurpers
This is the most accurate truth I have said thus far
I mean specifically this REACTION VIDEO (in writing)
So then do I believe I sent today's data back in time?
For my mental health, I must believe it is true
That is because I experienced it already
If I deny what I actually experienced, I would invalidate myself
In context, we are in post-truth times
However, there are absolutes in the universe
This is the duality, where both concepts exist in parallel
To bring us back down to Earth, I will clarify
I experienced this which gave me religious inclinations
Gnosticism was the religion that I latched onto
It is because it is the closes the my personality and beliefs
The cult of Scientology was already disinteresting to me when all this happened
The Mormon religion, I never joined it because I was shown it to be true
However, I had a cognitive dissonance about joining in that my soul was not in harmony
I couldn't relate to some concepts that started seeming to me to be cult-like, red flags
Gnosticism was a religious concept that makes sense, and I relate and it had the prophecy
The prophecy stated that Gnosticism was about to have a revival soon after I discovered it in 2016
All of these things and more, I felt there were actually true
Yet I am finding these are coping mechanisms, so I send all this data back

Back in time, dilated and stretched, through a Singularity in timespace at 23.Dec.2015, Anaheim Convention Center; I Died [.|.] I Came Back 

We're going back to the beginning
Saint Diablo is a temporal artifact of my awakening
It did not exist before I shifted time lines

Time-line shift or a glitch in the matrix, it effects everything

My recovery using metal has even personally effected Lena 
See, today in present time I send it all back to myself in 2016
These are REACTION VIDEOS, not a 21st Gnostic religion

When time-lines converge you get high weirdness phenomena

For mental stability following a near death experience; déjà vu
Retro-causality exists like Mitch says; divine singularity
Following my 2015 NDE, I broke on through to the other side; time

My 2016 Awakening involving Gnosis: it was all a psychosomatic phenomenon from the NDE

05 June 2024

PSALM 23:4

There is an unspoken few who walk the Earth
They claim to be from ages past
No man has proven that they exist
For the dragon flame entered their heart
This made them into more human than human
They walk from beyond the Shadow's Fall
For them, the veil has been lifted, yet they walk alone
The few of them claim to have met the Ascended Masters
More than that, they each walked the Earth with the One
So then, for those with ears to hear, I dance upon the path unseen
This is an initiation into the Order who walk the Earth; Psalm 23:4 

We cannot repeat this cycle... the worst is yet to come
The patterns repeat over time – Aeons
My mind has arisen from the Black Dawn
Through the Darkness, the Daylight dawns once again; Lostsoul 

I have bound my soul to fight their religion

My religion has brought me both the Light and Shadow
I now wield both the Light and it's inverse

The Soul's Shadow is lit into fire to awaken life

From the primal dragon mind to the alien mind
No more is there a reason to doubt, to fear, to pain
A higher power has lifted me up; Draco Spark

[Addendum – 5.Jun.2024]
Paul is Dead | Paul is Alive 
"One Life at a Time" [...] the apostle Paul, in his letters, often speaks about his efforts to preach the Gospel and convert individuals to Christianity through personal interactions and relationships -ChatGPT

[I Walk Alone v1.0]
I dance upon the path unseen,
Through veils of mist and dreams I glean.
In silent steps, I journey far,
Guiding souls beneath the stars.
What am I?

[Addendum – 13.Jun.2024] 

White Buffalo Woman walks... 

"Rare White Buffalo born at Yellowstone national park" 

"The birth of this calf is both a blessing and warning. We must do more" -Arvol Looking Horse


The interconnectedness of life means we all share in progress It means the inwards thoughts effect the outward vitality The outward vitality...