24 November 2024


There is a moment when you know that you know
This means that you have special insights
This may be about a memory or a person
To then recall with full senses while awake
This is an act of replaying the past
Another method is to mock up realities
This is to re-live the past moment
Both of these lead to the transcendent mind
To then be transcended is to both be without and within
This is to mean that you are yourself and in the presence of God
And you will know, so I swear I know
As anything you focus your consciousness grows
In that it is created, multiplied, and given LIFE
For example, a rose is focused upon by the transcendence mind
This rose grows, but the rose symbolized beauty
To this then beauty is spread into being
Language starts to embody a beautiful tone
Butterflies show magnificent new patterns and colors
The symbol of the butterfly is given sacred meaning in religion
Roses are thought to be sacred and hold special meaning, by color, by pattern, and by smell
This is what I mean when I focus the Transcendent Mind

This is not simply retro-causality
My mind awoke 2 days ago, realities awakened
Abilities opened from retro-causality
I feel like the Transcendent God has given me Insight


The Empress puts perspective on my life
In fact, I can mock up realities that have full sensory content
I was able to travel back to my childhood and see... it all
I can manifest the past as re-living the memory in order to Recall

See, I get these insights and vitality
These are from my mind awakening again
Triggered by the past, by dreams, and by transcendence
I first gain the ability, and only later will I then manifest it [retro-causality | mock-realities]
The Scapegoat


06 November 2024


Sometimes we forget that we are living the best of times
Even when we are surrounded and attacked on all fronts
This is the dualistic nature of life and the universe
To be in the moment is eternal bliss, infinite consciousness
Yet this is right before the lighting of the stake to restore mundanity
In eternity, consensus reality must reach a mundane equilibrium
The individual consciousness can be expanded into the cosmic mind
This is the duality of consciousness, which the collective mind is dull
This dullness of mind is the unawaken mind experiencing normality
However, the awakened mind can experience everything all at once
To this phenomena, I shall call it the forge of the crimson gold
This is the mind which has sacrificed to bring about greater awareness
To the Flow in which can be halted only in death, cast oneself in Golden Aura 
Is this Golden Aura of the Crimson Dawn or is this Crimson Aura of the Golden Dawn?


We are the Monsters that we fear
That is the evil is a manifestation of ourselves
Yet it is also our greatest good to create from within 
Our Mind creates the dynamic of livingness in which we flow


Using the principle of Occams Razor, find the truth
It is simple, use what works and leave that which does not
With this method, bring back the past but make it better 
This age is defined by the eternal bond of Gold and the Crimson flow


Welcome back to the days of old
Sacrificing the remnants of the Old Ones
This is to flourish in life and be nourished in spirit 
Slow the mind, enter into the reverie, and ignite the inner spark


The interconnectedness of life means we all share in progress It means the inwards thoughts effect the outward vitality The outward vitality...